„The key questions publishers should be asking their SSP partners“ (Umar Nadat, Onetag)
The relationship between publishers and their SSP partners has come a long way since the adoption of programmatic advertising nearly a decade ago. As publishers have become savvier and more data-driven, gone are the days of piling on SSPs in the name of purely hunting down revenue.
As a result, SSPs finally have to prove their worth to publishers and forge a more efficient supply chain, rather than just riding the wave of the initial business win. Publishers now have to consider if their partners are delivering truly incremental demand and really helping them to grow their revenue. Umar will be going through the key questions that publishers should be asking their partners in order to help them make the most of their inventory.
Umar Nadat ist Director of Sales-Supply bei Onetag und leitet die Sponsor-Session mit dem Titel „The key questions publishers should be asking their SSP partners“ beim Admangerforum Summer Summit „Demand meets Supply“ 2023.
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