Das Admanagerforum für Vermarkter „AdOps Forum Supply“ März 2022 ist durch Sponsoren finanziert.
Vielen Dank an unseren Hauptsponsor Google, an die Co-Sponsoren Adnami und Pubstack sowie an die Supporter Permutive, Relevant Yield, The Media Trust und Brand Metrics.
Hauptsponsor Google
Über Google Ad Manager

Google Ad Manager is a complete platform to grow all of your digital ad revenues in all the ways and places people are watching, reading, playing, and engaging. Our unified platform leverages Google technology to help you run your business more efficiently and keep your brand safe.
Co-Sponsoren Adnami und Pubstack
Über Adnami

Adnami’s high impact advertising platform delivers astonishing ad experiences for consumers and accelerated returns for publishers and brands. Their templated and platform-agnostic approach to high impact advertising, provides a scalable and automated solution to run attention-grabbing and impactful advertising campaigns. The company launched in 2017, and work today with a diverse range of clients across Europe, such as Heineken, BMW, American Express, Disney, Samsung and Red Bull.
Mehr Infos unter https://www.adnami.io
Über Pubstack

Publisher treffen schneller die richtigen Entscheidungen, optimieren früher und verdienen mehr mit Pubstack’ real-time ad revenue analytics.
Die steigende Anzahl an Partnern und SSPs, die über Prebid, Google AdX & OB, etc. zur Vermarktung angeschlossen werden können, bedeutet eine Zunahme an Daten und Möglichkeiten. Wie viele und welche Headerbidding-Partner brauche ich? Welche Integration und welche Kombination ist die umsatzstärkste? Welche SSP liefert inkrementelle Umsätze für Video, Display, native, mobile …? In welchem Set-up sind Latency und Umsatz optimal erreicht?
Pubstack übersetzt das Zusammenspiel der immer komplexer werdenden Ad-Stacks in aussagekräftige Information an einem Ort. Publisher können damit fundierte Entscheidungen mit Real-Time-Daten über viele Parameter treffen und ihre Werbeeinnahmen optimieren. Premium-Support ist für alle Kunden inklusive.
Mehr Infos unter https://pubstack.io
Supporter Permutive, Relevant Yield, The Media Trust und Brand Metrics
Über Permutive

Permutive is rebuilding data in programmatic advertising to protect privacy. As the only Audience Platform built on patented and privacy-preserving on-device technology, we enable premium advertisers and publishers to plan, build and activate cohorts — all while keeping everyone’s data safe.
Working with clients across Europe and North America, publishers using Permutive include News Corp, Hearst, BuzzFeed, Penske Media, Future plc, The Guardian, Vox Media, Insider, Hubert Burda Media and Condé Nast International.
Mehr Infos unter https://permutive.com
Über Relevant Yield

Relevant Yield is the most empowering solution for publishers and sales networks to maximise ad revenues. Relevant Yield offers an independent vendor agnostic header bidding management combined with realtime prebid analytics and revenue reporting from any demand channel from the smallest detail to top-level performance view; which makes it the most comprehensive solution on the market. Relevant Yield is provided by a Nordic based company Relevant Digital and it is used by media houses and their sales partners across the world. In addition to Relevant Yield, the company offers programmatic related consultation, technologies and support.
Mehr Infos unter https://www.relevant-digital.com/relevantyield
Über The Media Trust

The Media Trust is on a mission to make the internet a healthier, more valuable place for publishers and consumers. Working with the world’s largest, most-heavily trafficked digital properties and their upstream partners, The Media Trust delivers real-time security, data privacy, performance management and quality assurance solutions that help protect, monetize and optimize the user experience across desktop, smartphone, tablet and gaming devices.
Monitoring the online and mobile ecosystems since 2004, The Media Trust leverages a physical presence in 500 cities across 100+ countries to continuously scan websites, ad tags and mobile apps and alert on and resolve anomalies ranging from malware and redirects to data leakage and campaign errors. More than 600 enterprises, media publishers, ad networks/ exchanges, and agencies—including 40 of comScore’s AdFocus Top 50 websites—rely on The Media Trust to protect their website, their employee internet use, their revenue and, most importantly, their brand.
Mehr Infos unter https://mediatrust.com oder https://mediatrust.com/who-we-help/adrevenue-operations
Über Brand Metrics

Brand Metrics provides the only platform to measure brand uplift for digital ad campaigns, including display, branded content and video, even campaigns as small as 50,000 impressions, to ensure publishers have tangible proof of their value for even smaller clients. Simple and powerful, our survey-based SaaS technology calculates brand lift across four key metrics: awareness, consideration, brand preference and action intent and compares these scores against Brand Metrics’ global benchmarks, allowing full comparability from campaign to campaign. Our SaaS technology is used by over 40 global publishers including Bloomberg, MediaFin, JPIMedia, The Ozone Project, Financial Times and Burda Forward, providing them with tangible proof of their site’s value.
Mehr Infos unter https://www.brandmetrics.com
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Admanagerforum für Vermarkter „AdOps Forum Supply“ März 2022