Der Admanagerforum für Vermarkter AdOPs Forum Supply November 2024 ist durch Sponsoren finanziert.
Vielen Dank an die Co-Sponsoren Permutive, Relevant Yield, Welect und The Media Trust sowie an die Supporter Browsi und Pubstack.
Co-Sponsoren Permutive, Relevant Yield, Welect, The Media Trust
Über Permutive

Permutive’s Audience Platform puts publishers in control of their revenue by enabling them to reach and monetize 100% of their audience while respecting consumer privacy.
Permutive enables publishers to develop unique audience insights, optimize campaigns on the fly, and provide detailed mid- and post-campaign reports.
In unlocking the true value of their audience, Permutive’s customers drive direct deals, win more RFPs, and secure repeat business with advertisers.
Permutive is trusted by the world’s largest publishers including News Corp, Hearst, BuzzFeed, Penske Media, Future plc, the BBC, The Guardian, Vox Media, Insider, Hubert Burda Media, Condé Nast International, Trusted Media Brands, Hello! and Unify.
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Über Relevant Yield

Relevant Yield is the most empowering solution for publishers and sales networks to maximise ad revenues and operate cost-effectively. Relevant Yield offers an independent vendor agnostic header bidding management combined with prebid analytics and revenue reporting from any demand channel; which makes it the most comprehensive solution on the market. Relevant Yield is provided by a Nordic based company Relevant Digital and it is used by media houses and their sales partners across the world. In addition to Relevant Yield, the company offers programmatic related consultation, technologies and support.
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Über Welect

Welect ist ein AdTech-Unternehmen, das eine führende Plattform für Choice-Driven Advertising betreibt. Durch den selbstbestimmten Werbekonsum entsteht ein werbewirksames Targeting mit hoher Adressierbarkeit auch unabhängig von Consent-Ablehnung und AdBlock-Nutzung. Welect ermöglicht Publishern so eine Verbesserung der Video Fill-Rates und die Konvertierung von AdBlock-Nutzer:innen und Consent-Verweiger:innen bei höchster Nutzerzufriedenheit. Welect arbeitet mit einem Portfolio aus über 150 Seiten und liefert sehr große Reichweiten in vielen Zielgruppen.
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Über The Media Trust

Today’s digital ecosystem relies on The Media Trust to safeguard your consumer experience. We fix the issues that harm your customers, drive data breaches, violate regulations, impede revenue, and tarnish your brand. Acting as your audience, our unique digital safety platform captures their true user experience and stops harmful activity so you can better monetize and govern your digital assets. Since 2005, hundreds of digital businesses have relied on The Media Trust to protect their strategic digital revenue channels. Why not yours? The Media Trust—your partner in digital trust and safety.
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Supporter Browsi, Pubstack
Über Browsi

Browsi is a leading AI-driven SaaS company that empowers publishers and content creators to gain control of their digital real estate. Browsi’s AI platform seamlessly analyzes real-time behavioral data to create personalized ad placements, improving user experience and increasing revenue. The company is trusted by premium publishers such as CNN, TMZ, Kobe Shimbun, Reworld Media, GMX, WebMD, Graham Media and more. Browsi’s technology is available to publishers worldwide sold directly or via authorized partners and resellers like Fluct, Flux, Magnite, Amazon Publisher Services Connections Marketplace and more.
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Über Pubstack

Pubstack ist eine Ad Management Plattform, die ihren Hauptsitz seit 2018 in Paris hat. Pubstack ermöglicht den Publishern, ihre Werbeeinnahmen zu steigern und ihre Ad-Stacks dank datengestützter Technologie zu optimieren.
Als führende Ad Management Plattform in Europa hilft Pubstack über 100 Premium-Publishern, darunter Le Monde, United Internet Media und Vinted, ihre Werbeeinnahmen durch eine datengesteuerte, codefreie Lösung zu maximieren.
Die innovative Technologie von Pubstack steigert die Umsatzgenerierung, vereinfacht die Werbeprozesse und bietet personalisierten Support, sodass Publisher effizient ihre kommerziellen Ziele erreichen und stets an der Spitze der Ad-Tech-Innovation bleiben können.
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Admanagerforum für Vermarkter „AdOps Forum Supply“ November 2024