Events for Programmatic, Ad Operations, Ad Management and Ad Technology
The Admanagerforum is the platform for ad management, programmatic, ad operations and ad technology professionals. Only experts who work directly in ad ops themselves are allowed to participate in the conference.
Publishers and Agencies
There are three different events – The “Admanagerforum for Publishers – AdOps Forum Supply” focusing on the seller`s side, the “Admanagerforum for Agencies – AdOps Forum Demand” for the buyer`s side and „Admanagerforum Summer Summit“ for demand and supply. The Publisher Forum is open to specialists from publishers and sales houses that focus on premium media sales. Top ad managers from leading agencies meet at the Agency Forum. The Summer Summit is open to both demand and supply side specialists.
„Network, Educate and Learn“
At our events the participants get a chance to exchange experiences, expert knowledge and discuss the most exciting and challenging topics of the industry. We are building a long-lasting professional community and create an exclusive network of specialists.
How did the Admanagerforum start?

In the year 2002 I organized the first meeting of admanagers in Germany to find a solution to solve the problems that where caused by Flash creative. This was the basis for standards that are still valid today, amongst others the standards for the creation of Flash ads.
Since then I regularly organised meetings with other admanagers. This inofficial meetings became the official standards taskforce in the German IAB the „AK Adtechnology Standards im OVK im BVDW„. This group was focused on creating standards for the market.
The really exciting conversations happened during the coffee-breaks or in the evening, when we went out for a beer after a long meeting day. „How do you this and that?“, „Do you also have these problems?“, „Man, I am really happy I am not alone with that.“
The OVK is an exclusive group of media houses, so that the participants of the taskforce where limited to a small group. This made the taskforce very efficient.
Another great experience I could make was with the Admonsters conference. They focus on information exchange between experts without limiting it to a group of companies. Every Admanager can participate. Since my first Admonsters conference in 2003 I regularly participate an enjoy it. Sometimes I was a disappointed to meet only a few German speaking participants there.
As a member of several IAB Europe taskforces I also learnt that different markets in Europe also have different issues in admanagement.
So there was a logic consequence to found something that puts all the power of the different groups together. The idea for the German Admanagerforum was born.
— Alexander Schott, March 2009
About the members
The members of the Admanagerforum are mainly leaders and decision makers in ad ops, programmatic, ad management and ad technology. They represent top brands in the online market from either premium publisher sales houses or major agencies.
About the conference schedule
The one-day-conference is split into three parts:
1. The Conference
During the conference current topics are discussed within the participants. Basis of these discussions are four presentations led by participants. Furthermore, there is a presentation led by the main sponsor and two presentations from the co sponsors. Except for the mainsponsor session and the shorter cosponsor sessions the conference is exclusively reserved for the participants – the sponsors may not attend the conference. Coffee breaks and lunch enhance the in- depth discussion and lead to really exciting conversations. Duration: approx. 10 am until 6 pm
2. The Speed-Dating
After the conference all sponsors and participants meet for Speed-Dating for about two hours. Sponsors get the opportunity to have conversations with potential clients and to discuss current trends. Attendees may learn about the latest technology from the attending sponsors.
Duration: approx. 6 pm until 8 pm
3. The Dinner
The conference concludes with dinner for all participants and sponsors to have the chance to deepen their conversations.
Duration: approx. 8 pm, open end
About sponsorships
Admanagerforum provides a unique opportunity for sponsors to get in contact with the representatives of top brands in the German-speaking market and discuss new and upcoming products and features.
If you would like to learn more about sponsorship opportunities please get in contact with us.
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